How to order:

1) We can email you an online invoice you can click and pay with credit card, bank account, PayPal or Venmo. Just send an email (info@smoothdrag.com) with the reels you want drag washers for, (Model name/number and all the letters and numbers associated with the model is very helpful) and any other items you would like to order, and request the invoice. PLEASE SEND YOUR SHIP TO ADDRESS WITH YOUR ORDER.


2) Call or text 760-949-0271. Phone orders are fine. Just need your list of reels, all the letters and numbers associated with the model is very helpful. Name address and credit card number.

3) Mail in a check with your order list. Request a quote for order total and/or shipping by email, phone or text. Just need your zip code or country.

4) Fax (760) 684-4029

Customers in California please add:
7.25% everywhere except San Bernardino County. San Bernardino county residents pay sales tax for your city/district. Please email your address if you need to know the rate.

Smoooth Drag
13312 Ranchero Rd Ste 18 #267
Oak Hills, CA 92344
